00 05/05/2005 00:52
Re: Re:

Scritto da: MR Styles 22/04/2005 20.29

Sei calvo dall'altra parte oppure ti viene spontaneo girarti verso destra? [SM=g27828]

Ebbene si... mi hai scoperto... sono calvo [SM=g27828]
No cmq non so perchè... ma non riesco a stare "dritto" nelle foto [SM=g27828]

"The Legend Killer" "Mr. RKO" Randy OrTum
"Alex is Dandy!"

.::"This Public Service message was brought to you by your friends from D-Generation X, who would like to remind each and every one of you, that if you're not down with that, WE'VE GOT TWO WORDS FOR YA'... SUCK IT! "::.

.::"It's not luck... RKO it's DESTINY!"::.
