00 29/05/2008 00:53
Fabio Lione è il nuovo cantante dei Vision Divine!!!

We are very happy and proud to finally announce that Fabio Lione join Vision Divine Family again.
He's best natural choice for us, and first person we thought about it, even ‘cause Fabio is a wonderful singer and a very special friend.
Fabio with Olaf created VD 10 years ago, he wrote wonderful melodies for first 3 band's albums (from the 1st “Vision Divine” up to the high acclaimed “Stream of Consciousness”).
Just to be clear, Fabio is fully involved with the band, not as session man but as real part of the band, including recording sessions, live shows and tours.

We really like to apologize with you to taking such a longtime to let you know our choice, but we wanted to follow all this stuff properly without any gaps and taking time to plan band's future.
So, Fabio Lione, will be on stage with Vision Divine starting from june 20 and he’s already working to our new album, which recordings are scheduled starting from Aug 11th We know that each time this band has a change of line up there many roumors about it and mostly people could think if its' right decision or something like that... But as always we will let facts talk, and our band life gets proof that we allways try to take best decision to grow up as artists and as persons.
And at last.. we really like to spend some words for you guys who supported us in this time, we're very striking about your emotions and your great friendship around the world.
We really like to dedicate our new album to you who continue to trust in Vision Divine.

Stay Divine, see you in tour.

Lo sapevo, lo sapevo!!! Sabato sera poi si era capito per come ne parlava con noi!!! Sono strafelice, ho festeggiato con birra e Nutella (w la dieta! [SM=g27828] ), lui è l'unica persona che può sostituire Luppi, l'unico che non lo farà rimpiangere e forse ce lo farà anche un pò dimenticare.
Onore a Luppi che è un cantante straordinario, è uno dei miei preferiti in assoluto ma si è dimostrato un pallone gonfiato, ma sono troppo contenta per il ritorno di Fabio soprattutto per tutta la merda che gli hanno sparato addosso in questi anni. E i Vision Divine con lui saranno al top!

P.S. Ho vinto una pizza! [SM=g27828]
[Modificato da missramy 29/05/2008 00:57]

"I know why he had to die. I know why I had to kill him. It hasn't weakened my belief as to why I'm here, or commitment to my mission. It's made it stronger."Nikita

B: "Detective Kate Beckett N.Y.P.D."
C: "Richard Castle... Just N.Y."